2024: The Year of Rest
Memory Verse: Hebrews 4:9
“So then, a sabbath rest still remains for the people of God.”
Welcome to 2025: The Year of Listening. Our focus in 2025 is to learn the sacred art of listening. Listening to God. Listening to Ourselves. Listening to Others. And Listening to the Community.
Worship Hours: Sunday Worship is at 10:30 am.
Live Stream Worship: St. John's live streams its worship each week. You DO NOT have to be a member of Facebook or join in order to watch the service. Thank you to those who keep working to improve our online worship.
Council asks the congregation to continue to pray in this season of Hope, to pray that all people are united in sharing, giving, and loving.
Sunday, January 19th, we would like to give thanks for Morgan and all of the joy she brought to our congregation. We continue to miss her, so we will remember her near her birthday with a service that is full of music.
Scripture and Prayer: We will meet at Parkvue Community at 12:00 noon on February 5, 2025.
Book Club: Book Discussion will meet on Tuesday, January 21th at 10:00 am. We will discuss chapters 7 and 8.
Annual Meeting/Mark your calendars: St. John's 2024 Annual meeting will be held on Sunday, February 2, 2025 after worship.
Winter “Love at the Laundromat” is a new joint outreach ministry for Zion and St. John’s. There is a need in the community for this help more than once a year. Our goal is to help struggling families by paying for their machine use at the laundromat. We are sharing God’s love in a practical way! This outreach will be at the Lakeshore Laundromat in the Huron Plaza on West Cleveland Road.
Preparations are underway and many hands will be needed. If you are available for a few hours on Saturday, February 15 from 10am until 2pm, please check the sign-up sheets on the display on the table in the sanctuary. There are a wide variety of opportunities to help. Many can be done sitting down. The event is broken down into two shifts and you can work one shift, or sign up for jobs in both shifts depending on your time schedule and energy. Come and see the blessing this is to our community and joy you receive from serving with God’s love. Feel free to talk with Paula Hoffman if you have concerns or questions.
We are asking for donations of cartons of individual packages of cookies and chips, juice boxes, and dessert cookies. Distribution of towel sets with soap or bodywash, toothbrushes and toothpaste is also planned. Please see the donations sign-up sheet. Please place donations in the bin in the back of the sanctuary. Monetary donations may be placed in the collection plate designated for “Love at the Laundromat.”
We need your help! We still need readers, ushers, and communion assistants most weeks!