The season of Lent offers a wonderful time to gather for worship, read scripture, pray, care for others and the world God made, and reflect on how the Spirit has been moving in our own lives. There is a lot happening in our congregation this month as we work to do these exact things. You are invited to find a place to join us as we prepare our hearts for the cross and then the good news of the resurrection on Easter morning.
After listening to feedback over the previous few Lenten seasons, we have found that most people want a bit of everything. We want a safe place for families to gather and bring all of the wiggles that come from being cooped up during the winter months and spending days in school. We want a quiet place for contemplation and reflection. We want to pray and learn and worship and care for each other. And we want to reach beyond our walls and share Jesus’ love with the world that God created.
This year during Lent, our Wednesday dinners will try to do all of the above—but each thing won’t happen every Wednesday. Our theme will be Prodigal God, and we will look at the story from both sons’ and the father’s perspectives. Some weeks, we will be upstairs in the sanctuary with candles, chanting, and a sermon. Other weeks, we will be in the basement with a project that will touch the artistic parts of our brains. We will pray and sing and talk with each other. Every week, we will begin with a meal.
I hope that you will join us each week on Wednesdays as we explore the story of the Prodigal God. It’s a wonderful time to come together in fellowship and worship, and you are an important part of that.
I pray that during this Lenten season your heart is stirred again and you experience Jesus’ love anew.
Walking with you in Christ,
Pastor Stacy