The gosepl this Sunday is about Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist. A voice speaks from heaven, and the Spirit decends like a dove. This story is also about us: we too have been baptized, we have heard God's loving call, and we have received the Holy Spirit. What is God's voice like? Psalm 29 says that God's voice can break the cedars and strip the trees bare, but also give a blessing of peace.
St. John's live streams its worship each week. The link for Facebook is below; all you have to do is click on it to go directly to St. John's Facebook page. You DO NOT have to be a member of Facebook or join in order to watch the service. Thank you to those who keep working to improve our online worship.
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8).
Every week we gather to remember God’s amazing love for us and to hear and receive Jesus’ forgiveness and peace. During each worship service, we share together in the wonder of the Good News of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection through singing, prayer, the reading of scripture, and preaching.
On the first and third Sundays we receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. Everyone is welcome at our Lord’s Table.
A nursery for young children is provided downstairs in our fellowship hall. Parents, who wish, are invited to take children to the nursery following Youth Time in worship.
The church is completely accessible to all persons. Parking is available across from the church. Greeters will direct you to the sanctuary and other facilities.
Are you interested in learning more about what happens here at Saint John's? Are you interested in becoming a new member? Please contact the church office at 419-625-2192 to begin the conversation.
I continue to hold you in prayer. This has been a Holy Week with so many ups and downs. I give thanks that we were still able to gather on Zoom, but I miss seeing you in person. It definitely felt different to gather in silence on Zoom, knowing that my kids were playing in the background. Still, I give thanks for that time of prayer and worship.
We gather for worship on Easter Sunday knowing that death does not have the last word and that Christ is risen. Worship is on Zoom at 10:30 AM. To join worship, download Zoom and enter the invitation. You may also call in.
2024: The Year of Rest Memory Verse: Hebrews 4:9 “So then, a sabbath rest still remains for the people of God.”
Welcome to 2025: The Year of Listening. Our focus in 2025 is to learn the sacred art of listening. Listening to God. Listening to Ourselves. Listening to Others. And Listening to the Community.
Worship Hours: Sunday Worship is at 10:30 am.
Live Stream Worship: St. John's live streams its worship each week. You DO NOT have to be a member of Facebook or join in order to watch the service. Thank you to those who keep working to improve our online worship.
Council asks the congregation to continue to pray in this season of Hope, to pray that all people are united in sharing, giving, and loving.
Sunday, January 19th, we would like to give thanks for Morgan and all of the joy she brought to our congregation. We continue to miss her, so we will remember her near her birthday with a service that is full of music.
Scripture and Prayer: We will meet at Parkvue Community at 12:00 noon on February 5, 2025.
Book Club: Book Discussion willmeet on Tuesday, January 21th at 10:00 am. We will discuss chapters 7 and 8.
Annual Meeting/Mark your calendars: St. John's 2024 Annual meeting will be held on Sunday, February 2, 2025 after worship.
Teams and Committees: Team/committee reports for the 2022 annual congregational booklet will be due by January 12th to Sandy Thompson. Please send your report in a Word doc to or mail to the church at 106 Scheid Rd Sandusky, OH 44870 attention Sandy Thompson
We need your help! We still need readers, ushers, and communion assistants most weeks!
St. John's live streams its worship each week. The link for Facebook is below; all you have to do is click on it to go directly to St. John's Facebook page. You DO NOT have to be a member of Facebook or join in order to watch the service. Thank you to those who keep working to improve our online worship.
Book Discussion will meet on Tuesday, January 21th at 10:00 am. Read Chapters 7 & 8 for the discussion.
Annual Meeting/Mark your calendars: St. John's 2024 Annual meeting will be held on Sunday, February 2, 2025 after worship.
Teams and Committees: Team/committee reports for the 2022 annual congregational booklet will be due by January 12th to Sandy Thompson. Please send your report in a Word doc to or mail to the church at 106 Scheid Rd Sandusky, OH 44870 attention Sandy Thompson
Scripture and Prayer will meet on February 5th at Parkvue Community at 12:00 noon.
Every week we gather to remember God’s amazing love for us and to hear and receive Jesus’ forgiveness and peace. During each worship service, we share together in the wonder of the Good News of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection through singing, prayer, the reading of scripture, and preaching. On the first and third Sundays we receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. Everyone is welcome at our Lord’s Table.
People of all ages are invited to participate in our worship services. We know that kids make noise, and that is a welcome sound in our sanctuary.
The church is completely accessible to all persons. Parking is available across from the church. Greeters will direct you to the sanctuary and other facilities.
Are you interested in learning more about what happens here at Saint John's? Are you interested in becoming a member? Please contact the church office at 419-625-2192 to begin the conversation.
Saint John's offers an electronic option to safely make both regular offerings and special donations to our church.
Or if you like to give a RECURRING GIFT, you can now contribute automatically from your checking or savings account through your credit/debit card or by a text message. Our electronic giving program offers convenience for you and provides much-needed income consistency for our congregation. But remember, if you are happy with your current giving method, you do not have to change a thing.
If you no longer want to write 52 checks a year or prepare 52 envelopes, this is a giving option for you to consider. And when travel, illness, or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your regular offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis.
This electronic option allows donations to an array of budget items via a drop-down menu. Some examples are flowers, the cemetery fund, memorials, endowments, scholarships, fuel, and others.
6, Fill out form (remember the pin number). Click “Submit”
7. You will see a screen that says “Your account has been created successfully!” Click “OK”
8. At the bottom of the following page, you may choose either “credit/debit” or “bank account.” Click on the one you prefer to set up for making your donations. Whichever you choose, you will be prompted to enter your information on the next page.
9. Enter your information for either “credit/debit card or bank account.” You will get a screen confirming that either your card or bank account info has been successfully saved! Click “OK”
10. Enter here the pin number you set in step 6.
11. Enter “St John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sandusky, Ohio” The Church should appear in the list generated. Click on it, then click: “Give Now”
12. Now you can enter the dollar amount you would like to give. It will come out of your bank account, or be charged to your credit/debit card, whichever you have set up. If you wish to cover the processing fee as part of your giving, please check the box that says “Cover Fees.” (Fees are .25 per transaction, plus 2.4% of the total. Ex.: on a $100 donation, fees would be $2.65.)
When prompted, enter your information (email, bank or credit card information, etc.) and the dollar amount you would like to donate. You will receive a text receipt verifying your donation.
This phone number is specific to St. John's only, so your donation will go directly to our account.
If you need any other help with the initial setup, please feel free to contact Melinda Zorn at 412-639-5477.